8. 12. 2007
First off, let me say, there may be an easier way to do this. I sure
hope there is, but I don't know it. So if you don't think this is worth
the effort, find an easier way and let me know.
Okay, in order to do this you will need the following files:
I'll assume you can install all these without instruction. I'm sure someone will prove me wrong and post something. Thats cool though, we were all noobs once. Of course, we also endured much persecution during that time, so expect the same :-D.
Now, you have to identify the file you want to edit. Lets just say you want to edit a weapon. The textures for weapons are located in "[lineage directory]\SysTextures\LineageWeaponsTex.utx". Now you need to decrypt that file using l2decrypt. This is a command line tool, so Start->Run->"cmd"->OK. I recommend either putting l2decrypt in your System, Textures, and SysTextures directories, or adding it to your path, for ease of use.
This just created LineageWeaponsTex.clear.utx in that same directory. You now need to convert this for the lovely viewing abilities of UnrealEd. You will use l2toolo for this. Open l2toolo and click the .. button next to the "utx̧˛Ů" blank.
Select your file (LineageWeaponsTex.clear.utx).
You may get this error, and you may not. I think if you have the c3 texture pack you will get it, and c1 you will not. It's okay though. Just click the Line2->UnrealED button.
It will ask where to save the file, I normally call mine "LineageWeaponsTex.unreal.utx". If it worked, you will see this.
Now you have a file in that same dir called "LineageWeaponsTex.unreal.utx" or whatever you called it. This file can now be opened in UnrealEd. So go ahead and open that up. If you did default install it will be in "C:\UnrealEngine2Runtime\System\UnrealEd.exe". UnrealEd requires you are using 32-bit color. I hope you know how to change this if you're not running 32-bit. Once loaded, select File->Open in the smaller window. You need to be on the Textures tab when you do this.
Open the file you made with l2toolo.
Then, in the dropdown shown, select the item you want to change. I'm going for the falchion here.
Right click on the falchion texture and select "Export to file". Also take note of the DXT flag. Most weapons are DXT1, but you will need to remember this to save correctly.
Select where you want to save it. It will save as "", which is a direct draw file, and the reason you need the nVidia plugin for Photoshop.
You can then close UnrealED. If the plugin installed right, you can open it directly in Photoshop. Otherwise, convert if to TGA using readdxt in commandline. You run "readdxt". This will create a "test.tga" in your DDS Utilities directory, which you can open in Photoshop with no problem. Open your file in Photoshop. Check the channels window (a part of the layers window) to see if these is an alpha channel. You will need to know this when saving.
Make your changes to the texture using photoshop. I changed hue, saturation of master; hue, saturation, lightness of reds; and wrote poop on it in blue. As you can see here
Select File->Save As, and save it as a DDS. This screen is important. Make sure you select the correct format. My texture was a DXT1 with only R G and B, no alpha's. So I have selected this. Select yours and click "OK".
Now you have your DDS saved, you need to import it into your clear.utx that yoy made earlier using l2toolo. Open l2toolo and open your dds file by clicking the .. button off to the right of the "ddş˛Ů" textbox. Then select the utx that you decrypted earlier by click the .. button off to the right of the "utx̧˛Ů" textbox. Select the clear.utx that you made, not the unreal.utx. Again you may or may not get an error. Then select the proper texture to replace in the Ă˝Á- textbox. Then click the "set" button.
Again this window is a good thing.
Now you just need to re-encrypt your clear.utx file by using l2decrypt in command line.
Now you will have a LineageWeaponsTex.crypt.utx in that directory. You will probably want to back up the original, and then rename LineageWeaponsTex.crypt.utx to LineageWeaponsTex.utx. You can now load Lineage and check out your new texture. Poop sword forever!!!
Okay, in order to do this you will need the following files:
Lineage 2 client (This is big and you probably already have it. If you don't, find it yourself.) |
l2decrypt (Download - Decrypts pretty much all the L2C1 files.) |
l2tool (Download - Creates UTX files that can be read by UnrealEd.) |
l2toolo (Download - Another version of l2tool.) |
Appropriate DDS tools (Download Here - Get the DDS Utils and Photoshop plugin (If you plan to use Photoshop)) |
Photoshop or other TGA editor that can save DDS's (I'm not providing you with Photoshop) |
UnrealEd (Download - UnrealEd, as well as a nifty Demo of Unreal engine.) |
I'll assume you can install all these without instruction. I'm sure someone will prove me wrong and post something. Thats cool though, we were all noobs once. Of course, we also endured much persecution during that time, so expect the same :-D.
Now, you have to identify the file you want to edit. Lets just say you want to edit a weapon. The textures for weapons are located in "[lineage directory]\SysTextures\LineageWeaponsTex.utx". Now you need to decrypt that file using l2decrypt. This is a command line tool, so Start->Run->"cmd"->OK. I recommend either putting l2decrypt in your System, Textures, and SysTextures directories, or adding it to your path, for ease of use.
This just created LineageWeaponsTex.clear.utx in that same directory. You now need to convert this for the lovely viewing abilities of UnrealEd. You will use l2toolo for this. Open l2toolo and click the .. button next to the "utx̧˛Ů" blank.
Select your file (LineageWeaponsTex.clear.utx).
You may get this error, and you may not. I think if you have the c3 texture pack you will get it, and c1 you will not. It's okay though. Just click the Line2->UnrealED button.
It will ask where to save the file, I normally call mine "LineageWeaponsTex.unreal.utx". If it worked, you will see this.
Now you have a file in that same dir called "LineageWeaponsTex.unreal.utx" or whatever you called it. This file can now be opened in UnrealEd. So go ahead and open that up. If you did default install it will be in "C:\UnrealEngine2Runtime\System\UnrealEd.exe". UnrealEd requires you are using 32-bit color. I hope you know how to change this if you're not running 32-bit. Once loaded, select File->Open in the smaller window. You need to be on the Textures tab when you do this.
Open the file you made with l2toolo.
Then, in the dropdown shown, select the item you want to change. I'm going for the falchion here.
Right click on the falchion texture and select "Export to file". Also take note of the DXT flag. Most weapons are DXT1, but you will need to remember this to save correctly.
Select where you want to save it. It will save as "", which is a direct draw file, and the reason you need the nVidia plugin for Photoshop.
You can then close UnrealED. If the plugin installed right, you can open it directly in Photoshop. Otherwise, convert if to TGA using readdxt in commandline. You run "readdxt". This will create a "test.tga" in your DDS Utilities directory, which you can open in Photoshop with no problem. Open your file in Photoshop. Check the channels window (a part of the layers window) to see if these is an alpha channel. You will need to know this when saving.
Make your changes to the texture using photoshop. I changed hue, saturation of master; hue, saturation, lightness of reds; and wrote poop on it in blue. As you can see here
Select File->Save As, and save it as a DDS. This screen is important. Make sure you select the correct format. My texture was a DXT1 with only R G and B, no alpha's. So I have selected this. Select yours and click "OK".
Now you have your DDS saved, you need to import it into your clear.utx that yoy made earlier using l2toolo. Open l2toolo and open your dds file by clicking the .. button off to the right of the "ddş˛Ů" textbox. Then select the utx that you decrypted earlier by click the .. button off to the right of the "utx̧˛Ů" textbox. Select the clear.utx that you made, not the unreal.utx. Again you may or may not get an error. Then select the proper texture to replace in the Ă˝Á- textbox. Then click the "set" button.
Again this window is a good thing.
Now you just need to re-encrypt your clear.utx file by using l2decrypt in command line.
Now you will have a LineageWeaponsTex.crypt.utx in that directory. You will probably want to back up the original, and then rename LineageWeaponsTex.crypt.utx to LineageWeaponsTex.utx. You can now load Lineage and check out your new texture. Poop sword forever!!!
(Lukas, 8. 4. 2009 19:24)